AIOps is a game changer for MSPs. But how do you implement AIOps to ensure you get those game-changing benefits? Chances are, you’re not interested in spending the resources and time required to build it yourself with all of the development, testing, maintenance, etc. that entails. Instead, AIOps as a service provides you with the capabilities to better manage the IT infrastructure and operations of multiple clients. You know the value of as-a-service offerings—your own business is built on the benefits of outsourcing specific types of services, after all—but how do you determine which AIOps as a service platform is best for you? Here are some key criteria to consider and why it matters.

Monitoring and management efficiency to streamline operations

As an MSP, you need your as-a-service AIOps platform to allow you to monitor and manage the IT infrastructure—including performance metrics, anomaly detection, and potential issue identification—across diverse environments for multiple clients all from a single dashboard. You also want to be able to automate routine tasks throughout your incident detection, troubleshooting, and resolution workflows. This enables you to focus resources more strategically and deliver higher-quality services more efficiently.

Proactive issue identification for reduced downtime and costs

The sophisticated machine learning and analytics applied by an AIOps platform enables you to predict potential issues before they affect clients’ operations, and to take proactive measures to ensure the stability and reliability of their systems. The analytics capabilities can also be used to optimize resource allocation to reduce operational costs.

Integration with existing tools and processes + scalability and flexibility for enhanced client satisfaction

You need to ensure that your AIOps as a service solution integrates with your existing tools and processes—such as ticketing systems, service desks, and monitoring tools—to leverage your clients’ investments and provide a seamless, unified operational environment. And the solution needs to be scalable and flexible to adapt to evolving needs and requirements, support new clients as you grow, and accommodate fluctuations in workloads. This enables you to deliver proactive and responsive support to your clients, leading to higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty.

Virtana: The AIOps as a service choice for MSPs

The Virtana Platform delivers AI-powered AIOps monitoring for full-stack visibility that delivers actionable insights into application health, migration, performance, multi-cloud cost management, and monitoring. We work with many MSPs and have built in the multitenant capabilities and billing features you need to support your business requirements. Request a trial

Meeta Lalwani
Meeta Lalwani
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